Tina Jordan

My experience shows that regardless of the complexity of the problem, in 98% of cases I can successfully help restore the health of your feet. All I need from you is dedication to the solution and perseverance.


Meet Pedicare

Our goal is clear - to prepare a rehabilitation plan together with you, where you can restore the health of your feet in the shortest possible time, without pain and at the lowest possible cost.

The Pedicare Center is run by Tina Jordan, an expert in foot care. She has been dealing with foot problems since 1999, when she graduated from cosmetology high school. She specialized in pedicure and medical foot care in 2010. Since then, he has encountered a variety of problems in this area on a daily basis, and has successfully remedied the problems. He is educated both at home and abroad and follows the latest trends in the field of foot care and modern technology.


successfully solved problems


satisfied customers


different types of services

Our team

Top quality

We provide all services with the latest equipment from top manufacturers of pedicure equipment.


All instruments and accessories are sterilized to the highest possible standards after each use.

Customer care

We keep documentation for each client, both in writing and in pictures.

The solution is Pedicare

Media about us

We work with leading companies in the field of foot care.